A HUGE Thank you to the following individuals and local employers who volunteered their time this morning at the Career Fair for 8th graders. Nick Roesch Mike Leitz Rhendy Bradshaw JC's Heating and Cooling Walker Willis Holly Haberkorn Danielle Harden Miranda Leonard Erica Nugent Malcom Taylor/Nate Parks Dr. Emily Tucker-Davis Roy Acree Steve Sharp Birkey's Skylar Niemann Jacob Dickey Kari Ryan Erin Nuss Tim Knox Matt Leonard Austin Seneca Jenny Casey Steve Little
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
thank you
GCMS families are invited to fill out the 5 Essentials survey for the state of Illinois. You can find the survey at https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Today's (1/25) wrestling meet at Tremont has been cancelled.
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
GCMS Families, We are in session today. 9/47/54 completely clear, country roads and town roads have some heavy wet snow, but crews are out working hard cleaning them up! Please allow some extra time for buses and personal travel. -Mr. Darnell
over 1 year ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
GCMS Families, As we approach a potential snow event I wanted to take a few moments to clarify expectations going into a potential E-learning (snow day). The "first snow day" is in fact an e-learning day but we also want to balance the expectations of kids so that they can enjoy the feelings of a more traditional "snow day." The expectations of our E-learning days vary from grade level to grade level and subject to subject. Teaching staff will be digitally accessible throughout the day to assist students in a continuation of learning. We ask that students and families engage in the age appropriate lessons as best they can while managing their own circumstance. Individual building expectations and schedules will be shared through our website and social media platforms. Decisions for in person attendance will be made as soon as possible based on weather and road conditions. We hope to see everyone tomorrow, but wanted everyone to be prepared if we are unable to be in person. If you have questions please communicate directly with you child's teacher or building. Announcements for closure will be posted on the GCMS Website, social media accounts, and sent via text message in the morning if the situation necessitates it. Stay safe and warm! Mr. Darnell
over 1 year ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
The Middle School kicked off Mix It Up Mondays at lunch today. Students are encouraged to Mix It Up by sitting with new and different people. This gives students an opportunity to practice being inclusive classmates, which is the SEL theme for the 3rd quarter. Today, students were encouraged to sit at tables by their birth month. 8th graders led discussions based on question prompts provided. This will change each Monday.
over 1 year ago, Kent Nash
GCMS Middle School
GCMS Middle School
GCMS Middle School
Tonight's Girls Basketball games at Lexington have swapped times. Varsity will play at 5:30 with JV following.
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
GCMS Middle School will host a Career Fair for our 8th graders on Friday, Jan 27. 8th graders will meet with local professionals from different fields in the morning and learn information on transitioning to the high school in the afternoon. This event is for 8th graders only!
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
8th Grade Career Fair
EXCITING NEWS! IT IS TIME FOR THE MIDDLE SCHOOL GLOW PARTY! The party is this Friday night from 6:30pm-8:30pm. The doors will open at 6:25pm. The cost is $5 per student and there will be glow sticks for sale - 2 for $1. We will have black lights, a DJ and concessions in the cafeteria, a glow face paint table in the hallway, and the gym will be open to play basketball/volleyball etc. It is going to be a fun evening! All proceeds will be used to purchase new books for our middle school library. Come join in the fun and support our library!
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Glow Party
GCMS students Katie Steidinger and Lucas Clinton have been selected for the ILMEA All State Choir and Honors Choir respectively. Both students had to complete a difficult audition process and will perform on Jan 28 at the Peoria Civic Center. Congratulations to both students!
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Lucas Clinton and Katie Steidinger
GCMS Families, Late January and early February are very busy event times around the GCMS campuses. We would like to remind everyone to use extreme caution during drop off and pick up of their children both to and from school, and to and from events. This evening we are hosting middle school volleyball, middle school wrestling, high school wrestling, freshman high school basketball, and Paxton Park district practices in our gyms. Finally, a reminder to please whenever possible park in assigned spaces and do not block roads, driveways, fire lanes, or park in the grass of school property or neighbors property. Thanks for your attention and respect to our school facilities and neighbors. Sincerely, Mr. Darnell
over 1 year ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
GCMS Families, Just a reminder that next Wednesday, January 25th we will be hosting a meeting for GCMS families, community members, or citizens that wish to learn more about GCMS School District facilities management and policy creation and enforcement. If you have ever had questions about our buildings and grounds, or the creation and management of school policy come, listen, and ask questions of Jeremy Darnell (Superintendent), Erin Nuss (Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction), Janna Friday (Policy Committee of the Board of Education), and Tyler Young (Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board of Education). January 25th - 8:00 pm -GCMS Elementary Library Hope to see you there! Sincerely, Mr. Darnell
over 1 year ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
Congratulations to Jillian Meece for being named January Student of the Month. Jillian was nominated for her leadership and attitude of service in the classroom, always ready to assist where needed. She is active with the book club and crafting club, and serves as the student director of the musical. Jillian is a member of the National Honor Society and was recently named an Illinois State Scholar. She is the daughter of Eric and Kristina Meece and intends to study theater at ISU in the fall. She was nominated by Mrs. Funk and is pictured with Mrs. Barb Nagle from the Bank of Gibson City, the sponsor of the award.
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Jillian Meece Student of the Month
Boys basketball practice for both the 7th and 8th grade teams is cancelled for Saturday, 1/14. Both teams will next practice Monday, 1/16 from 10-12.
over 1 year ago, Mark Berry
GCMS Middle School recognized students with Fantastic Falcons Awards for going above and beyond in displaying our school-wide expectations of Being on Time, Being Prepared, Being Respectful and Being Safe. We are Falcon Proud!
over 1 year ago, Kent Nash
GCMS Middle School
GCMS High School is proud to announce that six seniors from the graduating class of 2023 have been designated as Illinois State Scholars. The Illinois Student Assistance Commission presents this recognition of academic achievement to exceptional Illinois high school students annually. Students receiving this recognition scored in the 95th percentile or above on the SAT/ACT. This year’s GCMS High School Illinois State Scholars are Kale Bauer, Rylie Cline, Kara Jones, Jillian, Meece, Connor Ray, and Kallen Robertson.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bielfeldt
IL State Scholars 2022-23
GCMS High School is looking for a Spanish Teacher to join our team for the 2023-2024 school year. You can view and apply for this and other positions on our website at https://www.gcmsk12.org/page/job-opportunities
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
High School Spanish Teacher
GCMS Middle School is looking for a Science Teacher to join our team for the 2023-2024 school year. You can view and apply for this and other positions on our website at https://www.gcmsk12.org/page/job-opportunities
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Middle School Science Teacher
GCMS Middle School will be hosting a Glow Party on Fri 1/20 from 6:30-8:30pm! DJ and dancing in the cafeteria and the gym will be open for play. Entry fee is $5. Glow sticks will be on sale 2 fo $1 and concessions will also be sold. All proceeds go to the MS Library.
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Middle School Glow Party
GCMS Middle School is looking for chaperones for our donce on Friday Jan 20 from 6:30-8:30pm. If you are interested in helping contact Torri Ferguson by phone 217-784-8731 or email ferguson.torri@gcmsk12.org
over 1 year ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Middle School Chaperones