IESA has partnered with Dick's Sporting goods and is offering a 20% coupon deal from December 3-6. You can access the link below for the coupon.
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Bielfeldt
GCMS High School is looking for an outstanding Math Teacher to begin the spring semester in January 2021. Apply online at
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
GCMS High School
The latest edition of our Middle School Newspaper the Falcon Flash is now available at Great job by our Newspaper Club!
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Athletic Booster Clothing orders have arrived! You can pick up your orders at the High School main entry way across from the office at the following times: Thursday from 4-5:30pm Friday from 3:30-6:30pm
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
There are a number of local resources available for the community as we enter this holiday season. You can learn more at
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
local resources
GCMS PACT is raising money through Scrip Gift cards. Read the details below and download the order form at
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
gift cards
GCMS Community, Today in Illinois it is School Board Member Day! Please take a moment and thank the GCMS School Board Members for their service to the students, staff, parents, and overall GCMS Community. Being a school board member is a civil service that is essential to both school and community success. GCMS is lucky to have 7 outstanding parents to GCMS students with a diversity in personal and professional experience to provide perspective and leadership to the district. In recent times it has become more challenging to be a public servant and yet this group shows up to do the good work of serving GCMS. Thank you GCMS School Board members Josh Johnson (president), Phil Whitehouse (vice-president), Tyler Young (secretary), Miranda Leonard, Adam Elder, Dr. Emily Tucker-Davis, and Janna Friday for your time and effort!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
GCMS School Board Members (top row) Adam Elder, Janna Friday, Dr. Emily Tucker-Davis, (bottom row) Phil Whitehouse, Josh Johnson, Tyler Young
GCMS Elementary is looking for a full time Paraprofessional. Apply online at
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
GCMS Elementary School
Congratulations to 8th Grade Coach Mark Berry on his 300th career win! We are all proud of you and what you have done for all of your players!
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Bielfeldt
Greetings GCMS Families, A couple of announcements and reminders as we head into winter and the holiday seasons. 1. GCMS will have 2:20 dismissals on Tuesday, November 23 and Wednesday, December 22 leading into the holiday breaks. 2. Demolition on both the old church storage on 15th Street (across from the tennis courts) and the baseball dugouts will take place over the next 10 days. Please be aware while in transition and remind your children to stay clear of these spaces. 3. We are deep into events and activities. I want to remind everyone that both in performance and competition we are supporting our children and the programs. It is essential that this is done with class, character, dignity, and respect. Cheer positively for our student participants, enjoy the competition, and embrace the privilege of being present. 4. We have endured some challenges recently with COVID exposures and we want to encourage everyone to be safe and healthy for themselves, and all those you come in contact with both in the community and at school. These circumstances can be challenging for everyone, but we will continue to manage to the best of our ability. 5. We are already at midterm of second quarter! We appreciate our unified effort to serve our students! Sincerely, Jeremy Darnell
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
Middle school students heard Terrance Tally’s message about having each other’s backs, and making sure we support everyone. It included teachers dancing, great music, but a very powerful message. Please ask your middle school student what his/her takeaway was when they get home today!
almost 3 years ago, Kyle Bielfeldt
Congratulations to high school students Katie Steidinger, Tyler Lange, and Calvin Rachiell, and middle school students Kelsey Whitehouse, Grace Steidinger, Evan Killian, Ansleigh Cornell, Xavier Moore, and Mike Volker for being selected for the ILMEA District 3 Choirs. These students were chosen by a competitive audition process and will perform on Saturday at Olivet Nazarene University with other top musicians from central Illinois schools. We are excited to have them represent our GCMS music program!
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Our latest BUG video is online! A group of 5th graders must come together as citizens in order to save the school from robots run a muck!
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Public health flu and COVID vaccine clinics available for those interested.
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
COVID Clinic
Flu clinic
Congratulations to Braylen Kean on his selection as November Student of the Month. Braylen is a three sport athlete, competing in football, wrestling and track. He's also a member of the National Honor Society, FBLA and serves as a huddle leader in FCA. Braylen is the son of Justin and Erin Kean and was nominated by Mr. Carter. He plans to attend college and hopes to play football next year. Braylen is a quiet, dependable leader of his peers who makes us #FalconProud!
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Braylen Kean
Congratulations to FIsher-GCMS Soccer for winning the Sportsmanship award for Section 5, and to Coach Robert Dinkins for being named Section 5 coach of the year!
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Remember our Apparel store supporting after prom is still open until 11/12. Order online at
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Falcon apparel
With Veterans Day approaching, GCMS seeks to recognize the veterans in our community. Teachers will be sharing our veterans slideshow and other materials with classes. If you have any updates or additions for our slideshow, please contact Mr. Willis
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Due to a recent outbreak of Covid in 4th grade, we are pausing (only) 4th grade through this weekend. 4th grade is being sent home with their needed supplies and will participate remotely for Thursday and Friday. We are looking into onsite PCR testing for next week, but be prepared for this pause to be extended through next week.
almost 3 years ago, Justin Kean
Today's National Honor Society Induction Ceremony will be streaming on our YouTube Channel at 8:30 AM. Watch it live or on demand at
almost 3 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
GCMS High School