GCMS Families and Staff, Friday, February 4th will be another e-learning day for all buildings, students, and staff. High winds, drifting, and hazardous travel are expected through the night and into the morning. The drifting has created great challenges in preparing our facilities for safe access. All Thursday evening and Friday morning activities are cancelled as well, but we hope to proceed with Friday evening events. Please stay digitally engaged as much as possible. If families have health / Covid related reporting please call or email your respective school nurse or administrator. Stay safe and warm, and thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, Mr. Darnell
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
Here's a friendly tech troubleshooting reminder from your friendly neighborhood tech guy. If your GCMS Chromebook is having trouble connecting to the Internet, make sure it is signed in on our CIPA filter. You can find a link in the gcmsk12.org bookmarks.
over 2 years ago, Walker Willis
cipa filter login
GCMS is looking for looking for a qualified administrator to become the educational leader of an outstanding Middle School team in a district with strong community support. Apply online at https://bit.ly/3rmTas9
over 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
principal job posting
Due to the snowstorm, Thursday night's 8th Grade Boys Basketball regional championship game between GCMS and PBL has been postponed. It will now be played this Saturday, Feb. 5 at 10AM at GCMS Middle School. Doors will open for fans at 9:20AM.
over 2 years ago, Mark Berry
Congratulation to our Middle School January Students of the Month! 6th Grade - Makenna Odgers 7th Grade - Tucker Mueller 8th Grade - Jack Willoby Great job!!!!
over 2 years ago, Kyle Bielfeldt
GCMS Families, We wanted to share some exciting news with everyone about some shifts that are taking place with our administrative team. We are piloting a new position for the 2022-2023 school year that will be a district level positions emphasizing building level supports in management and logistics. Mr. Chris Garard will be stepping into this role for his final year of service for GCMS. Mr. Kyle Bielfeldt will be moving down the street to take over as the GCMS High School Principal. Mr. Bielfeldt has 7 years of administrative experience and recently completed his Specialist endorsement to become certified to be a superintendent. We will be posting the Middle School Principal position today. Mrs. Erin Nuss and Mr. Walker Willis will also be expanding their leadership roles and further sharing their talents with both students and staff moving forward. Congratulations to these leaders as they take on new challenges in service to the GCMS Community! These adjustments coupled with the addition of interventionists and additional social emotional support will help GCMS tackle 2022-2023 with a running start! Stay safe and warm! Sincerely, Mr. Darnell
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
The 7/8 Volleyball matches scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 3 at Clifton Nash have been postponed. The makeup date will be Wed. Feb. 23 at 4:30PM at Nash.
over 2 years ago, Mark Berry
Good afternoon, The 8th Grade Parent Night at the high school scheduled for Wednesday, February 2 has been postponed. Mr. Carter will be creating a PowerPoint/video presentation that will be available for parents to view. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Carter at the high school. Thank you, Mr. Bielfeldt
over 2 years ago, Kyle Bielfeldt
GCMS Families: Here is the schedule we will follow for Wed-Thus and potentially Friday. A final call will be made Thurs if in person learning will happen on Fri. Everyone stay safe and warm for the next few days! https://bit.ly/3rZuHsa
over 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
remote schedule
GCMS Families, GCMS Schools will be closed to in person learning on Wednesday, February 2 and Thursday, February 3 in anticipation of the looming winter weather event. This early closure decision is being made due to the significance and duration of the weather event, and to allow families time to plan. All school activities and use are cancelled for these two days. Determinations for Friday, February 4 will be made on Thursday. Students will be sent home with needed resources and we ask that all engage in the e-learning expectations that have been shared with both families and students in order to have a continuation in learning. Stay safe, stay warm, and stay tuned! Sincerely, Mr. Darnell
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
In an effort to beat the impending bad weather, tonight's 7/8 Girls Volleyball matches at the Middle School vs. Heyworth will begin 30 minutes earlier than normal. The 7th Grade match will begin at 5:00 with the 8th Grade match to follow. GO FALCONS!
over 2 years ago, Mark Berry
GCMS Families: In the event of inclement weather later this week, here are the potential schedules we will follow for remote learning Wed-Fri. Please stay tuned for updates on if/when cancelling in person school becomes necessary https://bit.ly/3rZuHsa
over 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
remote schedule
GCMS Families, Just a Monday morning heads up that Mother Nature could cause us to be out of school on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. We have a 11:30 dismissal already scheduled for Wednesday. Stay tuned for reminders on our remote learning schedules should we be out for any upcoming days. Finally, remember that our first "snow day" staff will be digitally available to engage with students and families that choose to engage, but a good old fashion snow day of sleeping in and playing in the snow is a great lesson for all who choose that path. Please be prepared and we will do our best to announce school closings as soon as we can. Sincerely, Mr. Darnell
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
GCMS Families, Those interested in GIbson City FCYSC (Youth Soccer) can sign up at https://www.fordcountyyouthsoccer.org/ All information for spring soccer is provided in the link attached. In-Person Registration Tomorrow 10-Noon at the Fire Station.
over 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
youth soccer
GCMS 5th Graders are proud to present their latest BUG Video - Empathy! https://youtu.be/PO2vOFzXguw
over 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Good Snowy Friday Morning! I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to everyone for managing the challenges the recent health challenges have presented, and being patient with the constant evolution of guidance / management. Huge shout out to our staff!!! We have faced major challenges daily to keep open by shifting staff, adjusting plans, and simply making it work in an effort to keep healthy kids in school and minimizing disruption. THANK YOU! Families have also had to be quite flexible and tolerant despite the challenges and we appreciate that, it is not easy, and everyone has been impacted. Finally, our kids!!! They are simply great. We as a system must be proud and continue to both push them to succeed and support them through challenge. We are all on the same team with the same mission. Falcon Proud! Mr. Darnell
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
GCMS Families, The link below is for GCMS Little League Sign Up. All information for summer baseball and softball is provided in the document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SRLqxE9LYIod24-RY32HrdcwhbfN8Jwn/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101813212376078097766&rtpof=true&sd=true
over 2 years ago, Kyle Bielfeldt
GCMS Elementary is looking for a Literacy Interventionist. Learn more about this and other opportunities and apply online at https://www.gcmsk12.org/page/job-opportunities
over 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
literacy interventionist
GCMS High School is looking for a Special Education Teacher to join our Falcon Family! Learn more and apply online for any of our current openings at https://www.gcmsk12.org/page/job-opportunities
over 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
special education teacher
GCMS Middle School is looking for an innovative Math Interventionist. Apply online at https://www.applitrack.com/roe9/onlineapp/JobPostings/view.asp?FromAdmin=true&AppliTrackJobId=18179
over 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
math interventionist