The Illinois State Board of Elections will be holding an informational webinar for those interested in running for office in 2023 on Tues, Sept 6 at 11:00am.
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
illinois state board of elections
Attention HS Families: Grades at the High School are calculated by Semester, so to see your current grades click on Q2 rather than Q1 at the top of the Grades page. We are working with Infinite Campus to make this easier to navigate, thank you for your patience!
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
GCMS Families: Please see the attached document for updated vision and hearing screening requirements from IDPH:
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Middle School fall pictures are this Thursday, September 1! Your child should have brought home an order form yesterday. In case they did not please see the form at the link here.
about 2 years ago, Kent Nash
GCMS High School is selling Homecoming Shirts! Forms were sent home or You can order online through our School Store in your Infinite Campus account. If you don't have a Campus account your can find our public store at All orders due by 3:30pm on Sept 2
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
disney homecoming GCMS 2022
Middle School fall picture day will be this Thursday, September 1. Your child will bring home their order form today. In case they do not please see the link to the order form.
about 2 years ago, Kent Nash
Today's golf meet at St. Thomas More has been cancelled.
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Today's JV Football game at Fieldcrest has been cancelled due to weather conditions.
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
There will be a Middle School Girls Basketball parent meeting at 5:45 PM this Wednesday, August 31 in the middle school cafeteria. You may bring in completed athletic paperwork. The season begins on September 6. Contact Coach Leitz or Mr. Barry if you have any questions.
about 2 years ago, Kent Nash
GCMS Seniors spent the day at the Monticello 4-H camp through the U of I Extension for a day of team building and leadership activities!
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
senior leadership day
senior leadership day
senior leadership day
senior leadership day
GCMS Families, I have received several phone calls and questions about the tax bills in the past few days so I wanted to share a few facts about GCMS School Districts impact on property tax bills. GCMS determines a tax rate based on the cost of doing business. This includes 9 funds ranging from the Education Fund which pays for personnel and supplies, to Operations and Maintenance Fund which pays for facilities and facilities management. These rates are set annually through a Levy process in the fall of the year. Here are the rates for GCMS the past 10 years. 2012- 5.41 2013- 5.46 2014- 5.74 2015- 6.43 2016- 5.90 2017- 5.85 2018- 5.69 2019- 5.68 2020- 5.69 (borrowed $8,000,000 for addition /renovation) 2021- 5.65 5 out of the last 6 years we have reduced the rate for GCMS despite the cost of business going up. GCMS does not control property values and like all things those are rising, which is good until the tax rate is applied to a higher value on your property and your bill goes up. We realize the tax burden is great, and we are trying to manage all of the variables in the cost of doing school business while slowly and systemically reducing tax rates. We have done this successfully for 7 years and hope to continue. Should you have questions about the GCMS tax rates talk with myself or a School Board Member. Should you have questions about other rates on your bill, or your properties assessed value, I encourage you to go to that source. We are the creator of the biggest portion of your property tax and do not take that responsibility lightly, but we also do not take the responsibility of providing great facilities and instruction lightly and that is growing in challenge and cost. Thanks for your attention, and it is a great day to be a Falcon! Sincerely, Jeremy Darnell-Superintendent
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
5th Graders are eligible to join Band beginning this Fall. Please view the attached letter from Mr. Renchen regarding 5th Grade Band. Band Registration Night is Sep 13. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Renchen at
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Today's tennis matches with BBCHS have been moved to Olivet Nazarene University tennis courts due to maintenance on their Home Courts. The address to Olivet Nazarene University is: ONE University Avenue, Bourbonnais, IL 60914
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
​Due to rain, both the Middle School Softball games at Millkin Univ. and the Middle School home baseball games have been cancelled for today (Sat. 8/20). Both teams will resume as scheduled on Monday.
about 2 years ago, Mark Berry
Good Evening Falcons! We want to share 2 important updates from Mr. Darnell. First, please take a moment to read his welcome back letter We also want to provide an update concering our dress code We can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
More alums making their mark! Congratulations to Hannah Cliff (‘20) on her election as Student Body President of Eureka College. “Our kids” make us #FalconProud!
about 2 years ago, Susan Riley
Good afternoon, High school student pictures will be taken Wednesday morning (First Day of School). The picture order form can be accessed below. Order forms can also be picked up tomorrow afternoon at the high school office. Thank you, Mr. Bielfeldt
about 2 years ago, Kyle Bielfeldt
GCMS Families, The day is almost here! One final reminder that if you have not completed registration and fee payment please do so ASAP! On Wednesday morning all of our staff members will be busy greeting and serving kids so please do NOT wait until the last minute to register. Any students who are bus riders for the 2022-2023 school year who have not yet been notified of their child's pick up or drop off times by the transportation department please call Kari Ryan-Cline at 217-784-5800 to attain your child's route information. Falcon Proud! Mr. Darnell
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
GCMS Family, Less than a week until we kick off the 2022-2023 school year. 78,750 minutes, that is how much time our kids and staff will have in the 2022-2023 school year to do great things. Amazingly enough that is just 15% of a calendar year. Our goal for this year is to maximize that 15% for teaching, learning, and growth. We look forward to partnering with students, families, staff, and the community to make this school year a great experience for all. Wednesday, August 17 8:15 am the bell sounds to start the year! Can’t wait! Falcon Proud! Mr. Darnell
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
Kindergarten Families - We are excited to meet our incoming K students & parents tonight, Aug 11 at our Zoo Night! Please plan to arrive with your student’s supplies at the Elementary School at 4:30.
about 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5