GCMS Afterprom committee is sponsoring a 5k Run/Walk at Railside Golf Course on Sat Nov 19! Register online at https://forms.gle/afsCaG2Jj8yYjCn56
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
afterprom 5f run/walk
The GCMS High School Drama Club proudly presents: "Dumb Inventions" an original play by Kale Bauer on November 4, 2022 after the Variety Show in the GCMS High School Gym. This productions is written, directed and performed by GCMS Students. Everyone is invited!
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Dumb Inventions
GCMS High School is proud to present our 2022 Variety Show on Friday, November 4 at 7:00pm in the GCMS High School Gym! General Admission is $5 at the door. Join us for a night of signing, dancing, comedy skits and more!
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
2022 Variety Show
GCMS Families, Due to the weather forecast for this evening, Fright Night, sponsored by the Gibson City Chamber of Commerce will be rescheduled for Thursday 10/27 from 5-7pm downtown Gibson City. Sorry for any inconvenience! We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
The Middle School staff is in full force today by supporting and educating our students against the dangers of drugs and alcohol! "Drugs and alcohol won't hunt us down."
almost 2 years ago, Kent Nash
Today's theme for Red Ribbon Week was "Don't Let Drugs Steal Your Dreams". Here are the middle school's best dressed students and staff members as voted on by the students.
almost 2 years ago, Kent Nash
The first in our series of School Board Open forums will be this Wednesday, Oct 26 at 8:00pm in the Elementary School library. Topics will include budgeting, the tax levy, spending and long term planning. We look forward to the conversation!
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
school finance school board roundtable
All three of our buildings will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week Oct 24-28 with dress up days! Join us as we celebrate being Drug Free! *ES Students do not have a Halloween costume day during Red Ribbon Week, but are invited to wear costumes on Halloween on Mon Oct 31.
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
HS Dress Up Days
Middle School Dress Up Days
Elementary School Dress Up Days
Red Ribbon Week is coming to the Middle School Oct 24-28! The MS will be hosting dress up days all week. Please make sure all outfits are school appropriate and do not include masks or face paint/coverings. We look forward to a great week!
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
red ribbon week dress up days
GCMS Families, Reminder that this week we will host Parent / Teacher Conferences on Wednesday and Thursday. Dismissal will be 2:20 for students on both Wednesday and Thursday. There is no school on Friday! Have a great week, and we hope to see many of you for conferences! Sincerely, Mr. Darnell
almost 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
The Middle School Girls Basketball teams went to Normal Saturday, Oct. 15 to attend an Illinois State Women's Basketball practice and meet the players. Thanks to ISU Women's Basketball for this great opportunity!
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
MS girls basketball team
GCMS Middle School is proud to recognize our Fantastic Falcon award winners from October 3-October 14 . Students were given the award from teachers and staff members for going above and beyond in displaying our school-wide expectations of Being on Time, Being Prepared, Being Respectful and Being Safe. We are Falcon Proud!
almost 2 years ago, Kent Nash
GCMS Middle School
GCMS Families, Today marks the end of the first quarter of the 2022-2023 school year. It is hard to believe we have already been back together for 9 weeks. We encourage all families to utilize Infinite Campus to review their students progress routinely, but certainly should do so at the conclusion of each quarter. Reminder that next Wednesday and Thursday are our annual Parent/Teacher conferences! Please call your child's respective schools to get signed up, we would love to see you. Today I was blessed by a pre schooler with the picture attached. When I walked into the classroom she came up to me and handed me a folded piece of paper and waited patiently for me to open it. I asked her what it was and she replied "A Masterpiece" with a smile and said I could keep it. In todays world we often get caught up in judging imperfections and lose the ability to enjoy a true "masterpiece". Thank you very much to this young lady for reminding me that children, teachers, parents, and schools can appear messy but in someone's eyes they are "a masterpiece." It is a great day to be a Falcon! Sincerely, Mr. Darnell
almost 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
"A Masterpiece"
The first quarter edition of the GCMS Middle School Newspaper is now available! Check it out at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ma1xVn-ENhRu2pgrBqREUpqHE1M9ohwO/view
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
Falcon News
Parents play an important role in helping their children determine the path for their future, and we would like to offer support on this journey. Parent/Teacher conferences is a great time for parents and high school students to sit down together with Mr. Carter, our school counselor, to discuss both high school academic plans and postsecondary plans. If you would like to schedule a meeting please email carter.josh@gcmsk12.org or call the high school office 217-784-4292.
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Bielfeldt
It's Scholastic Book Fair time at GCMS Middle School Oct-20th! Come and experience the excitement all over again with your kids during Family Nights on Oct 19&20 from 3:30pm-7:00pm. Every purchase supports our middle school. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/gcmsmiddleschool
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
book fair
Parent Teacher Conferences are only a week away, make sure you have scheduled a time to meet with your students' teachers. More info for each building at ES: https://bit.ly/espt2022 MS: https://bit.ly/mspt2022 HS: https://bit.ly/hspt2022
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
parent teacher conferences
GCMS will once again host a Veterans Day ceremony on Nov 11. One piece of this event is to feature a slideshow of Veterans from our community. You can view the current slides at https://bit.ly/GCMSVet2022 Any updates or additions can go to willis.walker@gcmsk12.org
almost 2 years ago, GCMS CUSD #5
GCMS Veterans
GCMS Families, Please be aware that the large lot on the corner of State and 15th streets across from the tennis courts is an active construction zone and we would prefer it not be used for parking to avoid damage to the construction site and your personal vehicles. The building site is roped off by orange fences but the gravel area is not and is very uneven and could have construction debris. Your attention is appreciated. Mr. Darnell
almost 2 years ago, Jeremy Darnell - Superintendent
High School Parents, Do you have a questions, concern, idea, or praise you would like to share with the high school administration? We would love to hear from you. Mr. Bielfeldt and Mr. Allen will be holding a parent meeting from 4:30-5:30 in high school library on Wednesday, October 12. We look forward to hearing from you! Yours in education, Mr. Bielfeldt and Mr. Allen
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Bielfeldt