GCMS Middle School

Good morning GCMS Middle School! Today is Thursday, September 22nd.


Would you now please rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.       

Attention PE students, cooler temperatures are here!  Please bring long sleeve shirts, sweats, leggings, and/or jackets.  We will be going outside for the next few months.  Thank you for Being Prepared!  


I’m seeing a lot of students participating in our Homecoming week dress up day today which is Senior Citizen Day.  Just a reminder that Friday is of course Falcon Friday.  Remember, anything you wear must fit into the guidelines of the student dress code, meaning all clothing and accessories should be appropriate for school.  


The Student Council is now taking orders for Red Crush t-shirts and hoodies. Your Enrichment teacher has order forms for you. Orders with payment are due Friday, September 30. Turn in your order to the office. If you have any questions contact Mr. Hoogstraat.


Attention 7th and 8th grade band students, please take your instruments and music home with you so you have it for the homecoming parade.  Please be in the north high school parking lot by 6:00 PM.  


There is information on the counter in the office for any girls interested in Volleyball intramurals.  Volleyball intramurals is an optional activity designed for working on volleyball skills.  It begins Saturday, October 1.  See Mrs. Jamison if you have any questions. 


We have a lost and found table setup in front of the trophy case just outside of the office.  If you are missing anything please check the table.  We have an assortment of water bottles and hoodies.  


We would like for all students to do their check-in during the 1st hour.  This helps make sure that Mrs. V and Mrs. J can get to anyone who wants a check-in throughout the day.  


Also students, please make sure that your cellphones are off and stored in your locker and please be sure to sign up for hot lunch.   


Students, please remember to follow our school-wide expectations of Be on Time, Be Prepared, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.    


Thank you and have a fantastic day Falcons!