Good morning GCMS Middle School! Today is Monday, August 29th.
Would you now please rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Students, just a reminder that we are counting tardies this week. Tardies are counted weekly. Once you receive your 3rd tardy of the week you will receive a lunch detention. Tardies reset each week. From what I have seen, most students are late coming out of PE or a music class. Please consider how you can eliminate stops at your locker after participating in these classes. This will give you enough time to make it on time to class.
The next student council meeting will be this Wednesday at 7:30 AM in Mr. Hoogstraat’s room.
Girls interested in signing up for basketball: Signups for girls basketball will be on the counter in the office by lunchtime today. Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade girl interested in going out for basketball should sign-up and take an informational packet. Girls basketball begins September 6. See Coach Leitz or Mr. Berry if you have any questions.
Fall picture day will be this Thursday! Picture order forms will be distributed today. Students, please make sure you give the order form to your parents so they can order pictures.
Congratulations to some of our sports teams that had big wins over the weekend. Our softball team defeated Ridgeview by a score of 11-1. Outstanding job ladies! Our JFL teams also picked up wins this weekend. The Juniors team, which would be our 6th graders, defeated Watseka by a score of 19-0. The Seniors team beat Watseka by a score of 38-27. Our baseball team had a very close game against Rantoul’s Eater Middle School but lost by a score of 7-6.
Good luck to both baseball and softball teams today. Softball is dismissed at 3:00. Baseball is dismissed at 3:10.
Students, please remember to follow our school-wide expectations of Be on Time, Be Prepared, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.
Thank you and have a fantastic day Falcons!