GCMS Middle School

Good morning GCMS Middle School! Today is Friday, August 26th.


Would you now please rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Congratulations students, after today you will have made it through the first full week of school!  I have been very impressed with how well you have been exhibiting our four school-wide expectations of Being on Time, Being Prepared, Being Respectful, and Being Safe.  Just a reminder that our first expectation is Being on Time.  I have noticed that you are all now very familiar with your schedules and have done a much better job of being on time to your classes.  Please remember that starting next week we will start counting tardies.   


As a general reminder we will be having a fire drill this afternoon at the beginning of 10th hour.  Please be prepared by asking your teacher about the evacuation route for your classroom.  


Girls interested in signing up for basketball: Signups for girls basketball will be on the counter in the office by lunchtime today.  Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade girl interested in going out for basketball should sign-up and take an informational packet.  Girls basketball begins September 6.  See Coach Leitz or Mr. Berry if you have any questions.  


We had a baseball and softball game yesterday.  The boys lost in a close contest by a score of 2-4.  Our softball team had an excellent game against Tri-Point.  We won by a score of 15-0!  Many student-athletes had hits that contributed to our 15 runs.  I’d like to give a big shout-out to Lydia Runyon.  Lydia pitched a no-hitter last night which is a huge accomplishment.  Congratulations Lydia and the softball team.  


Good luck to both teams this weekend.  Softball plays at home tomorrow morning vs. Ridgeview and the baseball team is on the road.  Good luck to both teams!  


Students, please remember to follow our school-wide expectations of Be on Time, Be Prepared, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.    


Thank you and have a fantastic day Falcons!