Good morning GCMS Middle School! Today is Thursday, August 25th.
Would you now please rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Students, soon you will receive homework! Some of you may already have had homework. Please get into the habit of keeping track of all of your assignments in your planner. Having a 10 period day can sometimes make it difficult to remember what you did in all of your classes. Please use the last 1-2 minutes of class time to write down in your planner if you have homework. Then right at dismissal time you can look in your planner and see what materials you need to take home. Please make this process a habit so you can Be Prepared!
The middle stairwell by the elevator is pretty narrow. Because of this we have decided to go back to how the stairwell was used last year. The middle stairwell will be only for traffic going up. The stairwells on each end of the building will only be used for traffic going down. Again, you may only use the center stairwell to go upstairs and you may only use the stairwells on each end of the building to go downstairs. Thank you for following this process and keeping everyone safe during passing time.
Girls interested in signing up for basketball: Signups for girls basketball will be on the counter in the office by lunchtime today. Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade girl interested in going out for basketball should sign-up and take an informational packet. Girls basketball begins September 6. See Coach Leitz or Mr. Berry if you have any questions.
The baseball team will be dismissed at 2:15 because they will be traveling to Nash Middle School. Our softball players are dismissed at 3:00. They will be playing at home vs. Tri-Point. Good luck to our baseball and softball players and coaches.
Students, please remember our school-wide expectations of Be on Time, Be Prepared, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.
Thank you and have a fantastic day Falcons!