GCMS Families,
For the past two years all children in Illinois public schools automatically qualified for free lunch and breakfast due to governmental subsidies. We want to inform all GCMS families that this assistance no longer exists for "all students", instead we will be returning to the past practice of families individually qualifying for free and reduced lunches and fee waivers. On the Documents section of our website you will find the paperwork necessary to qualify for either free or reduced priced meals. If you qualify for either free or reduced meals your school registration fees are waived as well. Many families will receive "direct certification" letters in the mail which will provide a number to submit on the application. Those that do not receive direct benefits will need to provide the application with disclosures of income for consideration. Should you have any questions on these forms or your qualifications please reach out to your childs' respective School Principal. The cost for meals and fees are also attached for your consideration.
Thank you for your attention and patience as we work through the transitions of both full online registration and the adjustments in food service qualifications.
Mr. Darnell