I could not be more excited to get our kids back in the classroom on Thursday, August 26th. Don't forget that we have 2:20 dismissals on Thursday and Friday. Please take a look at the calendar linked in this email as well so you know other days that are adjusted for teacher institutes, holidays, or other activities.
We have attached the ratified Return to Learn plan again for your reference. There are many links on this plan that can be overwhelming so here are a few key points.
Masks are mandatory, students will not be granted entry if they do not have a mask. Quarantines still may occur but we have much less restrictive measures according to the guidance so they should be drastically reduced. You DO NOT have to self-certify online, but we ask that everyone keep your children home if they are sick!
Students may arrive at the buildings at 7:45 this year, but building entry will be at 8:00 unless your student is eating breakfast or the weather dictates we need to be inside. We still have construction going on at the Elementary School so please use caution. The U-drive is open for buses so traffic flow should be back to normal. We will not have a crossing guard on the corner of 15th and Church streets. this point of crossing, but they will remain on both Lott St. locations.
ALL children qualify for free lunch and breakfast. The only items that will be charged are ala carte items at the high school or extra meals or milk at the other two buildings.
We will not be allowing parent access to the building for our opening days. Drop off of students should be either at your car or at the door. Parents and guests will be allowed in the buildings for necessary and mandatory activities, but expected to comply with school health protocols.
Activities are back in full swing! We are very excited to see our students engaging with the activities they love. All fans / guests to indoor activities are expected to comply with health protocols, but outdoor activities are at the discretion of the individual guests.
Again we face an unusual and challenging start to the school year with changing health protocols, construction delays, and an unprecedented flood. We will take on all of these challenges and work hard to provide a great educational experience for our children. I encourage you to stay engaged, reach out with questions, and partner with us to create the best experience we can for all stake-holders.
Falcon Proud,
Jeremy Darnell