Return to Learn

Dear GCMS Families: 

Today, Governor Pritzker issued an Executive Order that all in the K-12 setting shall be universally masked at all times, except in certain circumstances. This is not an easy or comfortable letter to write.  The main purpose of our School District is to create the conditions and environment for children to learn and teachers to teach. As a Superintendent and Board of Education our service to this School District is to the extent practical and possible to protect the education of our community’s children. 

As Superintendent I look forward to the day where this is not our reality. The School Board and I remain committed to diligently reviewing local circumstance to make informed decisions that allow us to return to as much normalcy as possible.  Until that day, we respectfully request cooperation and grace while we try to create conditions that maximize student learning and ability to keep our doors open for five days per week of in-person learning.  This has always been our primary goal.  

Final determination for mitigation measures and school policies as it relates to health circumstance will be approved at the Board Meeting on August 16th after consultation with Ford County Public Health, the Illinois State Board of Education, our insurance providers, and legal representation.  

The success of the 2021-2022 school year is more dependent on our attitude and approach than it is any single or combined circumstance.   I am confident that the GCMS community can rally around all situations, mandates, challenges, and maximize opportunities for our kids. 

We look forward to August 26th, where we can welcome our children back for an amazing year of learning.  We appreciate your cooperation and the trust you have in the School District, its Administration and Staff to educate our most precious individuals, our students. 

Go Falcons,

Jeremy Darnell 

