Good morning GCMS Middle School! Today is Monday, November 27th.
Would you now please rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Congratulations to our 8th grade girls basketball team on an outstanding season. They lost on Tuesday in the regional championship game but they had a great season.
Congratulations to our 7th grade boys basketball team. On Tuesday night they defeated Fisher by a score of 43-34.
Signups for MS Volleyball are on the counter in the office. Any 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls interested in going out for volleyball should sign up and take an informational packet. Volleyball begins in early December. Also, there is a parent volleyball meeting tomorrow night at 5:30 in our cafeteria. Please make sure all of your paperwork is complete and turned in. If you already turned in paperwork for softball or basketball then you are good to go! See Coach Jurik or Mr. Berry if you have any questions.
A reminder to all MS wrestlers that practice starts today.. Practice will be from 3:45-6:00 at the Elem. School. You will be dismissed at the 3:20 bell and ride a bus from here to the Elem. Please arrange to have rides pick you up at the Elem. at 6:00. Wrestlers you will ride bus #9 to the elementary school for practice. Bus #9 is the 1st bus in the 1st round of buses so please make sure you are outside quickly after school.
Attention cheerleaders, tomorrow you are practicing with the high school cheerleaders which means you will ride the bus to the elementary school. This is for tomorrow. More information about which bus you will take will be shared in tomorrow morning’s announcements.
Also, please check the lost and found rack for any missing items. There are quite a few items that need to be claimed.
Also students, please make sure that your cellphones are off and stored in your locker. If you are eating school lunch today and have not signed up yet please do so now.
Students, please remember to follow our school-wide expectations of Be on Time, Be Prepared, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.
Thank you and have a fantastic day Falcons!